Thrift all the things!


Confession- I am a bit of a thrift store junkie.  There, I’ve said it.

Until about a year ago, I was one of those people who wouldn’t set foot in a thrift store.  Let’s be honest; most smell funny.  They can be crowded and disorganized, which makes the little OCD voice inside me want to scream and quickly flee.  Never mind the fact that I can be a bit of a label snob, so off-brands and used items were hardly a cause for excitement.

Enter some cool thrifty mama friends and a year of being on mat leave in a small town of 7,500 people.  The thrift store became a quick and easy outing.  I was tentative at first.  Until I was hooked.

These days I regularly peruse the thrifts stores for unique or vintage little knick knacks, party supplies, fabric, and so on.  You may find me rummaging around in a store near you- I’ll be the one in the $300 jeans…. who pulls a ziploc baggy full of change out of her Kate Spade handbag at the till;)

And now I will share with you one of my recent finds.  A large wooden shelf that I got for one dollar.  ONE DOLLAR, PEOPLE!  It started out in a cute blue colour.  Too bad that not all of the sides were painted though:(  A few coats of white paint and viola!- A fab way to display nail polish and other beauty products on my bathroom wall:)  Yay for thrifting!




