Happy Valentine’s Day


Happy Valentine’s Day friends!

Truthfully, I’ve never really been a big fan of this over-commercialized holiday. I much prefer a random gesture of love and thoughtfulness (like when my husband surprises me with a bag of my favourite Hawkins cheezies). A dozen roses doesn’t really wow me….rose petals just aren’t that tasty;) I like gestures that show someone was thinking of me for no particular reason. It gives me the warm fuzzies.

With that said, I’ll take any holiday that gives me an excuse to craft. Having just taken up card making after Christmas, I was excited to dig into my supplies and make some Valentine cards. I made about 30 or 40- for friends, family, and all the kids at my daughter’s daycare. I had a blast making them.

Favourite Pinterest tip- grab a bunch of paint samples from your local hardware store and use a heart-shape paper punch to make embellishments for your cards. Easy peasy and free;)

Here are a few of the cards I made:






Couldn’t resist posting this Darwin Valentine I found;)